Le regent international school

Le Régent International School is a prestigious international boarding school located in the heart of the Swiss Alps, in Crans-Montana, welcoming students from over 50 nations alongside local day students from Valais. 

As a dynamic and rapidly expanding institution, it holds membership with the Council of International Schools (CIS) and is recognized as an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School, offering a wide range of extracurricular activities and support services. 

Nestled amidst the majestic mountains at an altitude of 1,500 meters, LE RĒGENT harnesses the natural landscape to offer an immersive outdoor education program. From regular expeditions to mountain camping and skiing, students cultivate personal skills and environmental consciousness, equipping them for future leadership roles.

At the heart of Le Régent’s philosophy is a commitment to inculcating moral values and upholding rigorous academic standards. The curriculum seamlessly integrates demanding academic courses with a wide range of opportunities in sport, the arts and public speaking. This comprehensive approach culminates in the International Baccalaureate or Regent’s Diploma of Graduation, especially for outstanding athletes and musicians. In the intimate setting of the classrooms, students follow a solid language program, which results in graduates mastering at least two languages.

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Driven by an innovative spirit, Le Régent encourages experimentation and forward-thinking. Recognized as an Apple Distinguished School, technology seamlessly integrates into the learning experience, empowering both students and educators to explore new horizons and enhance educational outcomes.

The campus serves as an idyllic boarding environment, fostering a sense of community and collaboration among students and faculty. While honoring each student’s unique identity, the school is dedicated to understanding their aspirations and empowering them to shape the future.

School AT A Glance


Crans-Montana, Switzerland

Academic Programs

International Primary Curriculum, International Early Years Curriculum, International GCSE, IB Diploma

Language of instruction

French and English


September (Automn Term), January (Winter Term) and April (Summer Term)

Additional Programs



4 to 18 years old


300+ Students
50+ Nationalities


New Heights, Pre-University

annual tuition

23,400 CHF - 104,700 CHF
Application fee : 3, 000 CHF

An IB World School with a tailored fit for students for 50 nationalities, whose mission is to develop : academic, sporting, and artistic talents through rigorous international programmes; a love for and an understanding of nature and the environment through outdoor education; courtesy, compassion and courage through study, activities and community life.

extra-curricular activities

Competitive Sports

To be discussed 

Non Competitive Sports

No competition are organized for these sports


Visit Le Régent International School’s website