st. george's international school

St. Georges’s International School is renowned for its excellent education tailored for students aged 18 months to 18 years, both boarding and day attendees. Accredited by prestigious institutions such as Cambridge Assessment International Education and the International Baccalaureate Organisation, St. George’s has been a beacon of academic excellence since its establishment in 1927.

Recognized as a top IB school in Switzerland, St. George’s boasts an impressive track record of academic success, with graduates achieving outstanding results in the IB examinations.

The school’s mission emphasizes fostering mutual respect, understanding, and the cultivation of individual talents within a safe and supportive environment. Guided by the motto “Levavi Oculos,” St. George’s encourages students to recognize positive qualities in themselves and others, nurturing a caring and dynamic attitude.

The co-educational program, continuously evolving to reflect students’ interests, strikes a balance between academics, sports, creative activities, and community engagement. 

unique feature of the school is its winter Physical Education curriculum, where students learn skiing or snowboarding at different resorts across Switzerland. This program not only enhances physical skills but also promotes teamwork and resilience.

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Each student’s unique strengths, needs, and aspirations are thoroughly assessed to create personalized learning journeys. This customized approach ensures that every student receives the necessary guidance and support to realize their full potential.

In summary, St. George’s International School embodies values of respect, individuality, and community, with a vision focused on holistic development and lifelong learning. Its diverse and rigorous academic programs, complemented by extensive support and extracurricular opportunities, prepare students for success in a rapidly evolving world.

School AT A Glance


Montreux, Switzerland

Academic Programs

Kindergarten, Primary School, Secondary School, High School, IGCSE, IB Diploma

Language of instruction

French and English



Additional Programs

Global Exchange Program


18 months to 18 years old


400+ Students
60+ Nationalities


Winter Camps, Spring Camps, Summer Camps

annual tuition

67, 010 CHF - 115, 520 CHF
Application fee : 3, 000 CHF - 8, 500 CHF

Our pupils thrive in the aspirational, dynamic, first-class environment of St. George’s. Supported by talented teaching staff, we offer a world of educational opportunities across academics, performing and creative arts, and sports: the three pillars of our educational vision.

extra-curricular activities

Competitive Sports

To be discussed 

Non Competitive Sports

No competition are organized for these sports


Visit St. George’s International School’s website